Nikko alpha iii normal vs. direct inputs
Nikko alpha iii normal vs. direct inputs

Molecular modeling and molecular dynamics simulations provide a model for DWORF activation of SERCA, where DWORF modulates the membrane bilayer and stabilizes the conformations of SERCA that predominate during elevated cytosolic calcium. To gain mechanistic insight into SERCA activation, fluorescence resonance energy transfer experiments revealed that DWORF has a higher affinity for SERCA in the presence of calcium. These functional observations reveal opposing effects of DWORF activation and phospholamban inhibition of SERCA. Measurement of in-cell calcium dynamics supports this observation and demonstrates that DWORF increases SERCA-dependent calcium reuptake.

nikko alpha iii normal vs. direct inputs

Here, we show that DWORF is a direct activator of SERCA, increasing its turnover rate in the absence of phospholamban. A new regulator, dwarf open reading frame (DWORF), has been reported to displace phospholamban from SERCA. In cardiac muscle, SERCA is regulated by the inhibitor phospholamban.

nikko alpha iii normal vs. direct inputs

The sarco-plasmic reticulum calcium pump (SERCA) plays a critical role in the contraction-relaxation cycle of muscle.

Nikko alpha iii normal vs. direct inputs